The IMC Team
Irish Mountain Challenges is brought to you by Alicia Christofi-Walshe, Karina Jonina and Maggie Lawler in collaboration with other passionate mountain runners.

Alicia is the founder of She Summits and mom to three. She ran her first trail ultra in 2016 the same month her youngest turned a year old. Alicia's proudest mountain race/challenge finishes are Seven Sisters Skyline 30k 2022, Wicklow 12 (IMC) 2021, Mourne Skyline 2018, Sli Gaeltacht Mhuscrai Ultra 2018, Raw 50 mile (2018/2017) and Ticknock Ticktock (Orienteering Ultra) 2017.
Karina has completed both The Wicklow Round and The Rankin Round. She also won the Art O'Neill Challenge in 2018 and represented Ireland on the Irish Trail Team in 2017. Karina was shortlisted in 2019 as 'Woman of the Year' for The Outsider Awards.

Community Outreach:
Maggie started running in 2013, and while she is still running on roads today, she loves the adventure of heading out on the trails and mountains of Dublin and Wicklow. Her running highlights include her first marathon in 2014, Dublin 7 Summits 2021 and the Circuit of Avonbeg 2022. Maggie's best days out have been spent exploring new routes, running socially with friends and time spent running with the She Summits group.

Fiona Ni Mhullain - creator and first finisher of Mt Leinster Challenge.
Gordon Place - co-creator of Dublin Round and member of the first team to complete the challenge.
Shane Furlong - creator of Blackstairs End to End and member of the first team to complete the challenge.